Zaigham Rizvi is currently serving on pro-bono basis, as Adviser on Pakistan’s Housing Program. The Housing Program aims at preparing policies and program for developing 5 million housing units with a focus on “affordable housing” for low- and lower-income segments and is to cover rural, peri-urban and urban housing. He has served as an Expert Consultant on Housing and Housing Finance to international agencies including World Bank/IFC, UNHABITAT, DFID, ShelterAfrique, CMHC-Canada, Affordable Housing Institute (AHI)-USA, etc. Working for different international agencies, Zaigham has carried out housing assignments in countries of Asia, Africa and MENA Region. Zaigham has been associated with Association of Development Finance Association of Asia & Pacific (ADFIAP) as its ex-Vice Chairman and Life Member. Over the years Zaigham has developed a passion for Low-Cost Affordable Housing for Economically Weaker Segments of the Society, addressing challenges of Supply-Side, Finance-Side and housing related Regulatory Regimes. Zaigham also has a passion to address growing challenge of Energy Poverty mainly through Renewable Energy/Solar Power solutions and has promoted Rooftop Solar Electricity under banner of “Solar for Social Housing”. Zaigham is actively working on research based development of innovations in construction materials and construction technologies to lower the cost of quality resilient housing for low-income segment, with active engagement of Academia and Construction Industry. Zaigham has played a key role in development and promotion of Islamic Housing Finance Business Models, as well as Insurance (Takaful) models for housing finance.
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