Economy and Finance
'Shameful': What's driving the global housing crisis? | Talk to Al Jazeera
Leilani Farha • Al Jazeera
Facing Up to the Global Housing Crisis
World Affairs • YouTube
See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income
Anna Rosling Rönnlund • Ted
New insights on poverty
Hans Rosling • Ted
COVID-19 | A conversation with Jonathan Reckford
Devex • YouTube
A bold plan to house 100 million people
Gautam Bhan • Ted Talks India
Ralph da Costa Nunez, PhD Beyond Housing 2020 Keynote
ICPHusa • YouTube
Housing Crisis? How about Housing Solution.
Nicole Gurran • TEDxSydney
Rethinking affordable housing
Adam Walls • TEDxGrantPark
Fannie Mae's Duty to Serve
Fannie Mae • YouTube
The Holistic Housing Podcast
10 ways cities are tackling the global affordable housing crisis
Alice Charles, Dilip Guna • World Economic Forum
Housing Finance Brief
The World Bank
A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge
McKinsey Global Institute
Confronting the Urban Housing Gap
Robin King • World Resources Institute
Affordable Housing, Inclusive Economic Policies Key to Ending Homelessness, Speakers Say as Social Development Commission Beings Annual Session
United Nations Economic and Social Council
International models for delivery of affordable housing in Asia
Constructing and Financing Affordable Housing Across Asia
The World Bank
Explaining the declined affordability of housing for low-income private renters across Western Europe
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health